Join Us

PETRA-E membership is open to new institutions.

PETRA-E is an open network. Every institution involved in the education and training of literary translators (in a broad sense) can become a member. We welcome every non-academic and academic – European* institution involved in the education and training of literary translators to become a member of PETRA-E. The only condition is that these institutions must subscribe to the ‘open’ Framework approach as a member of  PETRA-E and use the Framework in their programme. We also welcome institutions that contribute to the education and training of literary translators in another ways (e.g. financially).

*European as a territory of Europe. Membership of institutions from countries outside Europe can be discussed.

What we ask:

  • Members teaching LT must demonstrate that they refer to the Framework in the description of their course programmes.
  • A membership fee.

What we offer:

  • Opportunities to take part in the shaping of the Framework for Literary Translation
  • Access to resources and articles in the Library on the PETRA-E website
  • Opportunities to take part in future PETRA-E conferences
  • Access to an expanding network of partners for exchange and collaboration.
  • Use of the PETRA-E logo which provides mutual recognition of competences and acquisition levels.
  • Visibility of your courses and programmes for literary translation via our social media channels.
  • Access to other European networks.
  • Information about European support and a voice to the European commission

For further information about PETRA-E, please see our Constitution and Membership Guidelines.

If you would like to get in touch, please send us an email at